Specialties from Normandie

mardi, juin 13

my bed is a happy place

so i start finals tomarrow and all i can think about is sleep. why is this, you ask? perhaps it's because the last three nights i went to bed around 5. whose fault is this, you ask? lets blame it on 2 american boys who came to visit me the last five days. okay, so its totally not their fault, but i need to have some sort of excuse for doing absolutely nothing and staying out till all hours of the night. the first 5 o clock curfew involved sitting outside my appartment for almost 2 hours without keys and the second was a lovely 2 o clock drive to the beach where we all sat and BSed for a couple hours and listed to the ocean. i have definitely not studied enough for my test tomarrow, but i think it was really good for natalie to actually leave the appartment for once (or twice, or three times...) i was becoming a total basketcase and it did me good. so now that i have tests, back to being a basketcase! :)

here is a pic of the gang at the don.

unfortunately, aurore didn't make it into this photo. let's not have her feeling left out.


  • At 2:23 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said…

    I would just say one little word for your finals : MERDE ;-)

  • At 6:56 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said…

    Where the hell was I when they took that picture?! in six yrs I've been living in Caen, this is the first time ever, the noctambule guy was in the same place as me! How could I miss him!!!!
    Lovely picture though.. many souvenirs


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